14 July, 2010
fuck it
i'm fuckin tired. of everything. i feel like i'm being weird to friends. and by weird, i mean a dick. why am i dick to my friends? i have no fucking clue. i hate my fucking job. i'm not fond of anything atm. i hate having my alone time b/c it's lonely. i don't know. the previous sentence has been uttered too many times by me. and i wanna stop. b/c i do know. i just don't wanna face it. and this is nothing to take serious. i'm just having my brain fart all over this keyboard. i mean it's possible to be a bit serious. but not to where it's questionable. i just need to get out of this funk. how the fuck did the ceo of my workplace get to his position? greed. well... that was easy. huh... i need to stop being at this job. i feel like it's eating away at myself. this isn't me. fucking seriously? how did i get shit on this bad? oh wait, i know this one too. not fucking standing up for myself. again. when will i learn? eh, when i feel like i'm adequate and have something to offer. but i am and i do! i just need to... get with it.
22 June, 2010
Sometimes Life is hectic. annoying. stressful. depressing. dumb.
And then it throws a curve ball. Just to give you a break.
It's always nice. But you have to remember. It just loves throwing fast balls at you. That curve you get every now and then,
21 June, 2010
friends, nature, music.
But it felt so perfect. Yes sir.
So, the cold is back.
Because of...life?
But it felt so perfect. Yes sir.
So, the cold is back.
Because of...life?
12 June, 2010
Write out loud.
So it's arrived. My last night in California. I've had a lot of fun hangin out with friends, seeing Los Angeles, and making a new friend. Vadim is a very cool guy. And his name looks a lot like Vader! Awesome.
I'm rolling now. The iPods (autospell haha) keyboard has a few different layers. It's awesome. Tonight was such a great closer to nights. Great feelings, mind-blowing music & a rekindling of friendship & life.
I'm rolling now. The iPods (autospell haha) keyboard has a few different layers. It's awesome. Tonight was such a great closer to nights. Great feelings, mind-blowing music & a rekindling of friendship & life.
09 June, 2010
Hip Hip! HOORAY!
Studio City, in Los Angeles, California is nice from what I can tell. I've been living here with my very good friends for the past few days. I like it so much here. Although it's not as warm as I would have imagined it, it is still a very nice location. I'm sitting in my friend's apartment right now. And it still doesn't feel like this is happening. Sitting in his carpeted living room, only 3 feet from the fireplace and with a 20' ceiling over my head. To my right is my very good friend, Anna, playing flOw . It's almost 8:30PM here and we're waiting for our awesome host to get home from work. This guy is something else. He's doing great and living life. It's refreshing to see someone realize their potential and doing something with it.
So, I'm on vacation here. My 1 week of vacation time that I have been allotted from my work place, I decided to finally come out here. This was my little gift to myself. I was pretty bummed that my other very close friend was unable to come out with us. Oh well, everything happens for a reason.
This vacation time was something that I've needed for a long time - a change of scenery. I am set on moving out here. The goal: Summer 2011.
What sucks about this is, family and friends on the east coast. More so because my family has gained a member in the last three weeks. And it will suck to be away from family right now. But, at some point, we all have to live our lives.
Studio City, in Los Angeles, California is nice from what I can tell. I've been living here with my very good friends for the past few days. I like it so much here. Although it's not as warm as I would have imagined it, it is still a very nice location. I'm sitting in my friend's apartment right now. And it still doesn't feel like this is happening. Sitting in his carpeted living room, only 3 feet from the fireplace and with a 20' ceiling over my head. To my right is my very good friend, Anna, playing flOw . It's almost 8:30PM here and we're waiting for our awesome host to get home from work. This guy is something else. He's doing great and living life. It's refreshing to see someone realize their potential and doing something with it.
So, I'm on vacation here. My 1 week of vacation time that I have been allotted from my work place, I decided to finally come out here. This was my little gift to myself. I was pretty bummed that my other very close friend was unable to come out with us. Oh well, everything happens for a reason.
This vacation time was something that I've needed for a long time - a change of scenery. I am set on moving out here. The goal: Summer 2011.
What sucks about this is, family and friends on the east coast. More so because my family has gained a member in the last three weeks. And it will suck to be away from family right now. But, at some point, we all have to live our lives.
05 June, 2010
California Love
Alright so here's the deal. I'm in a jet on my way to California. Yeah! I've been wanting to go to this state for many years. Ever since it's been described to me. So once you're able to read this entry, it means I've found a safe wifi spot. And I haven't forgotten to hit the update button.
It's me. And my asshole friend, or swillusion, goin to visit jeehad in the greater Los Angeles area. We are excited as fuck! AND we are only 1 hour into our flight. Only 5 more to go. But you know what? Aside from the absurd amount of turbulence we've been riding through, it hasn't been bad. We've been planning this trip since mid march and now it's finally happening. Wowzers on bowser. Bitch. :thrust:
- Posted using BlogPress Lite from my iPod touch. << LOL sofakingstupid.
It's me. And my asshole friend, or swillusion, goin to visit jeehad in the greater Los Angeles area. We are excited as fuck! AND we are only 1 hour into our flight. Only 5 more to go. But you know what? Aside from the absurd amount of turbulence we've been riding through, it hasn't been bad. We've been planning this trip since mid march and now it's finally happening. Wowzers on bowser. Bitch. :thrust:
- Posted using BlogPress Lite from my iPod touch. << LOL sofakingstupid.
03 June, 2010
how do you type?
/* I wrote this entry on May 30th */
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Thought I should get rid of it early.
So I'm pretty much in thr middle of nowhere... In northern nj. So although not that far from civilization, just far enough from my bed.
What the hell am I doing? I hAve ideas. I need the space. Also I'm drunk and these are making sense to me. And I'm way too lazy to type something meaningless.
Life is throwin' shapes at me. LOL.
I'm not really sure what I want to do now. Or where to do it. My brother's in another state as well as most of my family. I need to just stop waisting time.
- Posted using BlogPress Lite.
Thought I should get rid of it early.
So I'm pretty much in thr middle of nowhere... In northern nj. So although not that far from civilization, just far enough from my bed.
What the hell am I doing? I hAve ideas. I need the space. Also I'm drunk and these are making sense to me. And I'm way too lazy to type something meaningless.
Life is throwin' shapes at me. LOL.
I'm not really sure what I want to do now. Or where to do it. My brother's in another state as well as most of my family. I need to just stop waisting time.
29 May, 2010
Drain the battery

This is the newest member in my family: Jadiel. Born May 21 (1 week old!) at 9lbs 12 oz. This kid is gonna be an ox. Speaking of ox, my roommate, Scott, ate some ox tail last night. Strange... Don't know If that's something I would try. Seriously, twitter.com/OMGtheykilledme. Microblogging is easier.
Wow I'm pretty beat. Goin to California in a week!!! I'm so freaking excited to finally be goi g. This is a trip I've been speaking to a good friend of mine since 2003. 7 years, and since then we've graduated high school. Went an alternate paths. And Now I'm really excited to hear that he's doing well. Going with my illusion of a friend so this is sure to be an exciting trip. And trio. XD
Be on the lookout for a new site at RumbaConSon.com. XD
- Posted using BlogPress Lite from my iPod touch.
16 May, 2010
From the touch
I will try to post an update later in the day. My hands resemble those of a blue collar man. I'll be cleaning out my car today. My cousin is due with her bouncing baby son any day now. People my age are getting married now. That's scary. I really gotta work on getting a degree. But not everyone needs it to be successful. More later...
11 May, 2010
To blog.
Finding the time and interest has been increasingly difficult. Tweeting for now. Follow @ www.Twitter.com/OMGtheykilledme

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from my iPod touch.

- Posted using BlogPress Lite
from my iPod touch.
26 April, 2010
Play that tune again
I gotta work on that site right now. This is what my update's about. Be back soon.
06 April, 2010
Cheeseburgers n shit.
check out my myspace. ha.
It's a dry kinda day. It was an awesome 82 degrees fahrenheit! The last time I wrote on here, it was in the 30's / 40's. New Technology is awesome! < Band name (yes? no? vote now!). I'm on Sarah's itunes and it's a nice little music box. It's the Apple MusicBook =D It came out the same day as the ipad, but a giant iphone was way cooler than an eclectic open minded collection of the world's voices and sounds. I promise no more trombone faces. I hate when I make that face =P . haha. Not really of course. I've reignited with my california buddy and in < 2 months, we will finally get to catch up with an old friend. well, a few of us.
I'll be back shortly.
03 March, 2010
Brain activity, or lack thereof.
This is one of my favorite recent pictures. It's become apparent to me that I like trombone action... possibly just a little too much for anyone's good. Eh whatever, a little brass never hurt anybody. (I'm the trombone player in focus. Thanks to the illusion)
Friends are something else. My family's always said to me "Friends come and go, but Family's always here". I'm sure I'm not the only one that's heard this, but I really hope that is not the case. There is a select number of individuals that I consider close, sometimes a little closer than family. I hope I never lose touch with them.
So there's some kind of party happening at the house I live at. But I don't have to throw it!! :D Which also means I don't have to do shit before or after the party. Thank God! I can't wait for this shindig. That's what it's gonna be - a shindig. Oh shindigs, how I've missed you.
Lately, I've had the urge to be alone. Err rather, just spend some quality me-time. Living with 4 other people does not make it so easy. I mean if I wanted to be a jerk, I'm sure I could manage that without making any kind of a real effort... But that's just not the person I was raised to be, or would ever have any intention of becoming.
I had an idea of what to write, but after that fog I can't seem to remember what I wanted to say. Well it's late in the night and I've 3 more days til I can appreciate a somewhat relaxing weekend.
I need to figure out this California thang...
28 February, 2010
Photographic Memory
iTunes has an incredible app for all di.fm fans! SHOUTcast! It's all streaming from many different genres of music/talk radio. If you don't have an iphone or ipod touch, you can still go to their site @ shoutcast.com and stream on your PC from your preferred media player. I'm currently tuned in to the Techno station where it's this weird, almost tribal, song playing.
So, this weekend was eventful. It really began on a Thursday night where it we were being hit with a Paralyzing Blizzard (see image below).
It was also supposed to be a snow hurricane, seeing as how there was going to be a collision of two different snow storms, giving us that crippling image that nj.com has tastefully given us. So it's Thursday night, and this is going on. What better way to celebrate than with a big ol' bottle of Bacardi Gold? So that happened, & then I woke up the next day to find out we had a delayed opening for work. I worked from home, which was the first time and I don't see why it should be the last. It was just as productive, if not more. And quite relaxing...
Friday Night was where the Photographic Memory came in to play. I was able to see H Boogie and had a snow play date. :D I came in to her apartment w/ my fat ass "snow pants", and was pretty decked out in snow gear. She had to prepare herself and put on her snow pants (which were awesome) and the rest of her snow clothing. After a splif second, we walked to the park by her apt. and plopped down on a snowed bench for a bit. We enjoyed the trees, and the way they branched off into three. In that park, we created fred (he was a little snow man) and where I watched her make a snow angel, I made mine mirrored to hers. And that's how we created the batman symbol in Washington Square. Unfortunately, neither of us brought any sort of camera with us, so we used our Photographic Memory. The rest of the night was filled with nazi-killing Basterds, and good spirits. It was a fun night and I can't wait for the next one with her.
The rest of the weekend was OK. I was given some terrible news; there was a death in the family of musicians that I play with - Rumba Con Son. Their old bass player's brother had passed away yesterday morning. I had just met that bassist, and did not have the pleasure of meeting his brother. :( I heard he was a monster on the Trumpet. And he was, no doubt, a great person to know.
Well, Rumba Con Son had a gig last night, and before we played our set, we began with a moment of silence. A couple of friends came with me that night: illuzn & her trusty sarahcastic companion. They came, they saw, they conquered. One conquered sleep in the back seat of my car on the drive home.
One more bit of sad news, our neighbor John has moved to Florida. He was a cool cool guy and our hanging outs were limited to three times. Had we known that him and his fiance liked to party, we would've hung out way more than we actually did...
So, this weekend was eventful. It really began on a Thursday night where it we were being hit with a Paralyzing Blizzard (see image below).
It was also supposed to be a snow hurricane, seeing as how there was going to be a collision of two different snow storms, giving us that crippling image that nj.com has tastefully given us. So it's Thursday night, and this is going on. What better way to celebrate than with a big ol' bottle of Bacardi Gold? So that happened, & then I woke up the next day to find out we had a delayed opening for work. I worked from home, which was the first time and I don't see why it should be the last. It was just as productive, if not more. And quite relaxing...
Friday Night was where the Photographic Memory came in to play. I was able to see H Boogie and had a snow play date. :D I came in to her apartment w/ my fat ass "snow pants", and was pretty decked out in snow gear. She had to prepare herself and put on her snow pants (which were awesome) and the rest of her snow clothing. After a splif second, we walked to the park by her apt. and plopped down on a snowed bench for a bit. We enjoyed the trees, and the way they branched off into three. In that park, we created fred (he was a little snow man) and where I watched her make a snow angel, I made mine mirrored to hers. And that's how we created the batman symbol in Washington Square. Unfortunately, neither of us brought any sort of camera with us, so we used our Photographic Memory. The rest of the night was filled with nazi-killing Basterds, and good spirits. It was a fun night and I can't wait for the next one with her.
The rest of the weekend was OK. I was given some terrible news; there was a death in the family of musicians that I play with - Rumba Con Son. Their old bass player's brother had passed away yesterday morning. I had just met that bassist, and did not have the pleasure of meeting his brother. :( I heard he was a monster on the Trumpet. And he was, no doubt, a great person to know.
Well, Rumba Con Son had a gig last night, and before we played our set, we began with a moment of silence. A couple of friends came with me that night: illuzn & her trusty sarahcastic companion. They came, they saw, they conquered. One conquered sleep in the back seat of my car on the drive home.
One more bit of sad news, our neighbor John has moved to Florida. He was a cool cool guy and our hanging outs were limited to three times. Had we known that him and his fiance liked to party, we would've hung out way more than we actually did...
24 February, 2010
Listening to El Ten Eleven. An instrumental duo - man on drums & man on guitar/bass. I haven't read their bio yet but I did stop by their site, and it's a nice little place. They were a little lazy with it and made it using WordPress, but it's filled with all of the right content (and they're brutally talented) so I'll forgive them. Like I said in my last post, I discovered them going through illusion's hard drive. She has tons of music that is still foreign to me, and although I have been on a bit of a downloading streak, I thought fumbling through hers would make things easier for me.
She only had two songs from them: My Only Swerving which is on their self-titled album (pictured above), and Living on Credit Blues which is on Every Direction is North (to the right). They are quite the chilled out group. They remind me of The Photographic (also quite the aural treat).
So I just recently got a week's vacation, or what feels like one. My unconventional and just utterly fucking strange boss is gone for a week. You know it's bad when most of your co-workers are celebrating your absence. I thought I needed to chill,but he's tweakin', as my cousin puts it. But that place in general has it's weird spots evenly spread throughout the office. It's chop full of politics and fuck all that noise. I'm glad I talk to the people I do cuz sometimes you gotta ask yourself: How's the body, agah? Haha.
Definitely listen to this band with headphones.
Good ones if you have them. Recently I was taken on some huge clunky ass headphones: Sony MDR-X200. They were disguised as to look like pro headphones, without the pro price. Well, you get what you pay for. I do like that they go around the ear, and have an 11' cord. Other than that, I'm happy with their behind-the-ear headphones.
There's much more floating in this mind but at the current state I'm in, it won't make sense. But keep your eyelids peeled. myooz loves company...
So I just recently got a week's vacation, or what feels like one. My unconventional and just utterly fucking strange boss is gone for a week. You know it's bad when most of your co-workers are celebrating your absence. I thought I needed to chill,but he's tweakin', as my cousin puts it. But that place in general has it's weird spots evenly spread throughout the office. It's chop full of politics and fuck all that noise. I'm glad I talk to the people I do cuz sometimes you gotta ask yourself: How's the body, agah? Haha.
Definitely listen to this band with headphones.
There's much more floating in this mind but at the current state I'm in, it won't make sense. But keep your eyelids peeled. myooz loves company...
23 February, 2010
You make me wanna funk
The last few weeks have been amazing. Started talking and it's so exciting! I've been taking everything in and possibly bottling some shit inside but that's coming to an end. Spoke with an old friend over the weekend. Well not just any old friend, he was my boy! Well, he has evolved into something great and is still growing. It was nice to hear his actual voice again. I'm sure when my closest friends and I visit him in June, things will be very different, yet similar.
Started talking to this girl as of late. And even though we are just talking, I haven't been this excited in quite a while. It is so hard to meet good people, and that's exactly what she is.. We've shared little moments and, although brief, I felt like I was frozen in time. :)
Listen to El Ten Eleven. Or is it l1011 ? Either way, I grabbed them last night from the illusion once internal, now external. And as I listen to this album with headphones ( the only way to really listen to music ) I can't help but feel this overwhelming state of euphoria and peace slowly rush through my body. What a feeling.
More to unfold once I have the energy and a full keyboard in front of me. Not this silly little covert style iPod. That also happens to automatically give formatting suggestions for the words iPod and iPhone. Haha.
Started talking to this girl as of late. And even though we are just talking, I haven't been this excited in quite a while. It is so hard to meet good people, and that's exactly what she is.. We've shared little moments and, although brief, I felt like I was frozen in time. :)
Listen to El Ten Eleven. Or is it l1011 ? Either way, I grabbed them last night from the illusion once internal, now external. And as I listen to this album with headphones ( the only way to really listen to music ) I can't help but feel this overwhelming state of euphoria and peace slowly rush through my body. What a feeling.
More to unfold once I have the energy and a full keyboard in front of me. Not this silly little covert style iPod. That also happens to automatically give formatting suggestions for the words iPod and iPhone. Haha.
07 February, 2010
Life's been pretty eventful lately. The allupons single, hanging out with the neighbor john, taking in the right amount of protein after a workout, grabbing sweet ass music from my illusionary sage, kinda making up with a disgruntled best friend of the past, having the first ever practice with our new ska band, and finally taking h-boogie out. That was just this week. Well, I saved the best for last. That woman is marvelous. I can not wait until our next rendezvous. She's so intelligent, has a great sense of humor, she's easy going, and the appearance of an angel. A beautiful smile, this girl is a bombshell. That's all I will say for now.
Now it's time to vent a little. Blogspot needs a better iPhone app. This just isn't cutting the cheese LOL. You can't format text, and doing HTML on this seems like it would be a royal pain...
One of the roommates has gone a little insane, we believe. She's taken most of her silverware and dinnerware up to her room where they will never see the light of day again. I think it's because there are days where the dishes continued to stack. And since her bf doesn't bother to do dishes ever, it is the assumed responsibility of me and the
other two roommates to do the dishes for the house. The fit is about to hit the Shan, and very soon. -.- or maybe we will continue to be passive. I don't really care anymore...
It's SuperBowl XLIV today... Go Saints? I'm indifferent to this one... I rather boogie on up to the village.

Oh yes, I've discovered wordboner.com. It's design with just typography. Less is more and they've hit it right on.
Now it's time to vent a little. Blogspot needs a better iPhone app. This just isn't cutting the cheese LOL. You can't format text, and doing HTML on this seems like it would be a royal pain...
One of the roommates has gone a little insane, we believe. She's taken most of her silverware and dinnerware up to her room where they will never see the light of day again. I think it's because there are days where the dishes continued to stack. And since her bf doesn't bother to do dishes ever, it is the assumed responsibility of me and the
other two roommates to do the dishes for the house. The fit is about to hit the Shan, and very soon. -.- or maybe we will continue to be passive. I don't really care anymore...
It's SuperBowl XLIV today... Go Saints? I'm indifferent to this one... I rather boogie on up to the village.

Oh yes, I've discovered wordboner.com. It's design with just typography. Less is more and they've hit it right on.

03 February, 2010
Exciting music
I loaded up my iPod on my friends mac and she has a sweet collection of audible styles. This group, Digitalism, sounds like a party band. Definitely get up and bounce. I've been wanting to do this at work but some people would make it not cool and just uncomfortable. I wish I didn't have to be there in less than 5 hours. Or if I did, if Atleast it was a job I enjoyed. While I do this part entry, just thought I'd share that I now have seen all Star Stars movies and it was fucking epic. I can't believe I've been missing out on all of this. And when I saw Something Something Something Darkside again, I enjoyed it much more. May the Force be with you does sound religious, but its cool. I mean, any religion with a light saber and that has to do with keeping the Peace has to be fantastic. Well I'm done with this one. Listen to Digitally Imported radio. My thumbs are tired, hehe.
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In a very long time

Ok so, I haven't written in a long time. I really need to keep this in order. So the latest and greatest news is that The Allupons has recorded a new single and I've been lucky enough to record on it. It's a fun sound which has morphed in a big way ever since I first started listening to them a few years ago. Song 2 finally got a name. And lyrics changed that song big time. There are two different attitudes from how we've played to how it sounds as the new single, Over Again. Definitely give it a listen at www.TheAllupons.com. endplug.
Other than that, I've managed to stay pretty busy. Fun, always. Except for not playing in a certain salsa band anymore, but that's actually freed me up a little and it feels great. Ah yes, Hung out with the neighbor and a few other barracks members and that was cool. It was an exceptional night I would say. iPod touches need better blog apps. Yep.
Moré later...
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