This is the newest member in my family: Jadiel. Born May 21 (1 week old!) at 9lbs 12 oz. This kid is gonna be an ox. Speaking of ox, my roommate, Scott, ate some ox tail last night. Strange... Don't know If that's something I would try. Seriously, twitter.com/OMGtheykilledme. Microblogging is easier.
Wow I'm pretty beat. Goin to California in a week!!! I'm so freaking excited to finally be goi g. This is a trip I've been speaking to a good friend of mine since 2003. 7 years, and since then we've graduated high school. Went an alternate paths. And Now I'm really excited to hear that he's doing well. Going with my illusion of a friend so this is sure to be an exciting trip. And trio. XD
Be on the lookout for a new site at RumbaConSon.com. XD
- Posted using BlogPress Lite from my iPod touch.