06 November, 2009

Sometimes, it is

I wish I could speak Swedish. And French. And Russian.

Don't you hate it when some of the smoothest tunes to hit your ears is in a language you don't understand?  Well, I mean not all the time is it a bad thing.  But sometimes, you just want to know what it is they're expressing their anguish, passion, or whatever it may be, over. Buzzed in this state of yuengling & jell-o shot, is when listening to Kultiration makes their whoas and mellow lyrics just a tad more intriguing. Reggae is what they sound like, by definiton.  It sounds more like 2nd wave ska.  Do the Swedes have a name for this genre?

I miss my friend, even though he's an immature self-loathing prick who needs to swallow his wrongful pride and grow up.  But there are still good people in my life. And have met new, exciting, witty, intelligent, funny, good people this year.  I felt like 2009 was a year that opened my eyes.  It's been too busy at times, but definitely worth cramming tons of happenings in such a small amount of time.  This weekend, I'll be attending an Anime Convention (unsure of the name) in PA with my buddy who runs CosWatch and his hetero partner in crime who also partakes in CosWatch.  Destined to be a good time, I've been highly anticipating this weekend for a couple of months now.

Time to put some new music in VaultII.  And then sleep? And then work -.- And then Practice . And then ANIME WEEKEND!

Til the next time I get to this.

1 comment:

  1. i like it. here's mine: http://justindemuro.posterous.com/
