22 October, 2012

I've decided. Since I have 0 motivation to do anything positive with my life, I will cut out some extra curricular activities that hinder my drive. And as for school, I've lately been revisiting my childhood dream of becoming a pilot. I wanted to be a fighter pilot when I was younger.... yeah, no thanks. I would LOVE to be a pilot for private jets. But just like any other sweet-ass job, that doesn't happen over night. I'm off to do some googling and possibly phone chatting to get to the bottom of this.

11 October, 2012

There's a new genre of music called Trap. I feel like I'm getting old...

I'm in desperate need of letting everything go and evolving. As much as I enjoy my vices, I let them control too much of who I am and what kind of person I've become. Everything feels real, but the days just seem to stay the same. I keep going out to see the same faces to do the same shit at the same time of day during the same time of week. I feel like I've been doing this for 6 or so years now... and it hasn't really gotten me anywhere. I just realized @ the time spent. Wow. The time to live is now and I'm just sitting here.

22 June, 2011

On Tourage

I gotta friend who makes me feel pre10tious.

22 May, 2011

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.

I just found this quote online. I was trying to find the origin of the quote "Good things happen over time, but great things happen all at once", but was unsuccessful.  Instead I found the quote above (along with many other great quotes)...


Wisdom Quotes

"Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there." —Will Rogers

“The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.” —Unknown Author

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. 
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

17 May, 2011

super fun cowboy usa

u kno that crush feeling? yeah, i've got it. bad.


Trying out a new cam app for the droid. I kinda love it.
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